
Showing posts from 2016
Interview Questions ---- In most of the interviews below question are very common.  Interviewer asks like - Tell me about yourself? / Self introduction? What are your best qualities? Why you are searching for the new job? Any problems in the current company? Can you feel that you are fit to the new job? If you? Then how? Do you have any problems with your Manager/Team Lead/Team members/Company? How was your teammates in the previous company/current company? Are they supported in your work? What are your observations/opinions of your manager/team lead/team members/company? What do you most admire of? Tell us, in which you subject/language/activity you are most perfect? Tell us your achievements? Tell us your failures? Tell us your work/tasks in the previous company? What do you know about new company? What you like most in the new company? How many years you want to work with us? Why I have to select you but not other for this post? Do you have any problems
Important Concepts for QA engineer  ----  Testing related - ===================================== 1. QA material - all concepts indetail - Software Development Life Cycle - Software Testing life Cycle - Different QA test models - Waterfall - RAD - Agile - Incremental - Spiral - Spring - Different testing type types - whitebox, blackbox - White box testing methdologies - Black box testing methdologies - Different statuses of bug - Bug flow chart - Bug tracking tools - Testplan all modules - Testcase document all module - Priority Vs Severity - QA, QC and Testing difference - Regression Vs Retesting - Have info about project management tools like SVN,VSS .. - Driver, Stub - Topdown approach, Bottomup approach - Boundary value analysis, Equivalance value analysis - Agile methodology indetail Automation: ===================================== 1. Basic concepts of JAVA - Class - Object - Instance - Abstract Class
Who is a tester? We know that everyone is perfect but not in all aspects. We usually do many mistakes in our regular duties. In the same way when a software is developed for a specific reason there could be many hidden mistakes. Out of them few may be silly mistakes but few are very big mistakes. If those mistakes are not caught in time those will leads to danger to the complete software product sometimes to the whole company.  We known that no one intentionally do the wrong things but they may not aware that they are doing mistakes. Here when developing a software, a developer may not known that they are doing mistakes while developing a software. There can be any reason for that, developer may misinterpret the actual requirements or incorrect coding or sometimes inability in coding. To find out those mistakes someone need to go through the requirements and the actual development. In other words we can say that to cross verification is required to say that a software is correct.