Important Concepts for QA engineer  ---- 

Testing related -
1. QA material - all concepts indetail
- Software Development Life Cycle
- Software Testing life Cycle
- Different QA test models
- Waterfall
- Agile
- Incremental
- Spiral
- Spring
- Different testing type types - whitebox, blackbox
- White box testing methdologies
- Black box testing methdologies
- Different statuses of bug
- Bug flow chart
- Bug tracking tools
- Testplan all modules
- Testcase document all module
- Priority Vs Severity
- QA, QC and Testing difference
- Regression Vs Retesting
- Have info about project management tools like SVN,VSS ..
- Driver, Stub
- Topdown approach, Bottomup approach
- Boundary value analysis, Equivalance value analysis
- Agile methodology indetail

1. Basic concepts of JAVA
- Class
- Object
- Instance
- Abstract Class
- Realtime examples

2. Mainly good understanding on JAVA concepts
- Abstraction
- Encryption
- Polymorphism
- Dynamic Pholymorphism
- Static Polymorphism
- Inheritance
- Exception Handling
- (If he goes indepth)
- Wraper classes
- Abstract classess
- Access specifiers of a class
- Package
- Static method, static class, static variable
- JVM (Java Virtual Machine) architecture

3. Database connection (JDBC)
- How you connect to a database what are the classes and methods you use to connect to the database
- If you said you used excel sheet,
- Read data from an excel sheet
- Write data to an excel sheet
- All the methods uses to handle excel sheet data

4. Selenium related
- What are the classes you created/used in your automation framework
- Flow chart of your automation script (From one Class to another)
- Methods you used
- How you handle when an exception raised
- How to identify all available fields
- Textbox
- Radio button
- Check box
- Dropdown
- List box
- Handling all types of (above)fields
- Browser related fuctions
- Classes/Function to open different types of browsers
- Internet Explorer
- Google Chrome
- FireFox
- Function to click 'Refresh' button
- Function to go previous window
- Close a browser
- Swapping between the browser windows

5. Can you rate yourself in JAVA/any language you know
6. Do you have experience in performance testing, If yes, what are the tools you have worked with/aware of
7. Few logical skills/programming skills testing question
- Finding factorial of a number
- Reversing a number
- Reversing a string
- Finding a substring from a string
- Finding nuber of time given string exists in the main string/paragraph
- 1
 like programs
- Swapping of two numbers
- Arrays concept using programs
- Swaping two numbers

1. SQL queries
- Getting data from the database (SELECT)
- Logical operators used in your automation script
- Get max, second max, nth max value from a table column
2. What are the databases you aware of
3. Should be aware of the version of database and release date/year
3. Can you give the rating of the database you know/worked
4. If you give excellent rating, you should be aware of database objects -
- Table
- TableSpace
- Data Types
- Constraints
- Operators

(Below are Advanced Topics)
- Procedure
- Function
- Trigger
- Cursor
- Sequence
- Index
- Cluster
- Synonym
- View

1. Projects handled
2. Brief about each and every project
3. Clients of each project and their country and location
4. Main customers for your projects
5. Modules of your projects

2. Softwares used for your project
- Database
- Frontend technology
3. Your roles in all project
4. What are the difficulties you have faced in your projects and how you handled it
5. Did you faced any issue which you can't resolve
6. Have you got appreciation from your PM or from your client, if yes, what kind of appreciation is that
7. Have you developped any framework for any of your projects, if yes, what are they


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